perjantaina, helmikuuta 29, 2008

Lankahamsterointia ja flunssaa / Yarn-hamstering, flu

Lankahamsterikuukausi on sitten kohta päättynyt ja lankaa meni 745 grammaa. Sain valmiiksi pipoja, tossuja, lapasia, kaulaliinan ja pinon tilkkuja torkkupeittoon.

Yarn-hamstering month is soon over and I managed to knit 745 grams of yarn. I knitted mittens, hats, slippers and several squares for my afghan.

Melkein koko kuukausia on mennyt flunssan parissa. Ensin lapset ja mies ja sitten minä. Itse asiassa olen vieläkin sairaslomalla. Ääni kokonaan mennyt ja lääkärin komennuksella hiljaa. Mitä tuskaa ;)

Almost the whole month has been filled with flu. First the kids and DH and then me. Actually Iäm on sick leave at the moment. I've lost my voice and the doctor ordered me to stay quiet. It's been quite "painfull" ;)

keskiviikkona, helmikuuta 06, 2008

I'm speechless!

Just look what I received in Valentine's Day Swap (in Ravelry)!

Krafty1 really knows how to spoil! I'm really speechless, and that doesn't happen that often ;) I didn't know who was asking me these questions by email. You can believe my suprise when I noticed the sender details in the parcel. Bobbi was my hostess in Secret Pal 10 (my first international swap).

Thank you so much!

I have my own Knit Picks Option circ's! Yippee!