lauantaina, toukokuuta 26, 2007

Pikapäivitys/A quick note

Tultiin tänään Tallinnasta, oltiin pikareissulla siellä miehen kanssa. Ihana mies, käveli mun seurassa 2,5 tuntia pitkin kauppoja, ilman narinaa. Lankaa ostin Kaubamajan liikkeestä. Ihanaa merinovilla-silkki-bambua ja sitten ihan perus merinovillaa.

Got back from Tallinn, Estonia. Just a quick break, we left yesterday and got back today. Me and DH spend some quality time together. Bless him, he walked around the shops with me for 2,5 hours and didn't complain at all. I bought some yarn, unbelievable soft merinowool-silk-bambu and some merinowool.

Tallinnassa tajusin, ettei mulla ole teepannua. Jotenka heti, kun muksut olivat pedeissään unessa, surffasin sivuille sitä tilaamaan. Olipa yllätys, kun eteen tuli huomautus, etteivät toimita Suomeen. Häh? Odotanko seuraavaan kaupunkireissuun? Nääh, tilasin ihanan siniraitaisen saksalaisesta amazonista. Haluaisin ruusukuvioisen teepannun, mutta sellaista ei ollut. Tallinnastakin sellaista etsin, ilman tulosta.

I realized something while in Tallinn. I do not have a teapot. So, as soon as the kids were in bed and sleeping and surfed to and tried to order a teapot. I was rather surprised when there was a not that they won't deliver to Finland. What to do? Wait and buy one next time I go to the big city? No, I ordered one from They'll deliver to Finland without questions. I ordered this really nice blue-stripy one. I actually want one with roses, but couldn't find one. I had aquick look in Tallinn but no luck. So this blue-stripy one will do nicely.

I did order a book as well from Germany. I ordered "Lace Style: Traditional to Innovative, 21 Inspired Designs to Knit (Style)".

2 kommenttia:

10:26 ip. , Blogger dominiqueknitting kirjoitti...

found your blog through SP10. I will be in Talinn and Helsinki this summer. Any shops you recommend ? Or tips about what kind of wool to buy ?

11:57 ip. , Blogger Katjuska kirjoitti...

In Helsinki I would recommed the Menita store and Novita's factoryshop. Then there are shop called Vihreä Vyyhti and Priima. In Tallinn I only managed to find that one in Kaubamaja. There are some maps about yarn stores in Tallinn, only in Finnish. I'll try to find out if someone has already translated them. I hope you have a brilliant time in Helsinki and in Tallinn :)


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