lauantaina, kesäkuuta 28, 2008

SP 12/week 3

Krafty1 asked us a question:

What would you consider the perfect amount of stash?

Hmmm, that's a hard one. Maybe the amount would be perfect when you could just start almost any project without a trip to the LYS. At the moment I have a bit under 20 kilos of yarn and I have plans for most of it. I usually buy yarn for a certain project. But as a woman I have to right to change my mind *grin* so I have bought the yarn for a project and then decided that I'll use it for something else.


SP 12:

I received my first parcel! Thank you secret pal!

I got Rowan 41 magazine (which was on my wishlist) and loads of yarn. I try to take a pic asap :)

perjantaina, kesäkuuta 20, 2008

SP 12: Week 2 question

As a kid, what did you look forward to most about summer vacation/break/holiday?

To spend a whole month with my grandparents is their summer-house in Eastern Finland. Usually a couplse of my cousins would come too. We would go fishing, swim as much as we wanted (as the summer house had its own beach), eat as much cinnamon buns as we wanted, stuff your face with strawberries etc. That was a perfect way to spend a summer vacation when you were 8-13 yrs old.

Kuvapläjäys / photos :)

Baileys-kuivakakku / Baileys coffeecake
Caipirinha-juustokakku / Caipirinha cheesecake
Raparperipiirakka / Rhubarb pie
DROPS shawl with leaf pattern
Lanka / yarn: Adina colori
Ostokset Posh Yarnilta ja Ravelryn Spring Swapin langat sekaisin :)
My shopping from Posh Yarn and the yarns I received from Ravelry Spring Swap nicely mixed :)

torstaina, kesäkuuta 12, 2008

SP 12: my favourite summertime drink?

I'm rather boring :) I really like lemon iced tea. With lots and lots of ice. My second favourite summertime drink is sparkling water with ice and 2 slices of lemon.

My all year around favourite drink is Coke Zero with ice. My favourite (alcohol) drink is caipiroska (vodka, ice, lime and sugar).

torstaina, kesäkuuta 05, 2008

Rhubarb and Strawberries / Raparperiä ja mansikkaa

That's what you can find in my garden at the moment. Rhubarb ready to picked and lots and lots of strawberry flowers. I hope we'll get nice crop this summer. Kids love strawberries and so do I :) I hope the frost didn't get all my black and red currants. It looks like we will have some blackberries this year. I'll be spending some time this Saturday in my garden.

I've been bying some yarn from fellow Ravellers...
On Tuesday I received 23 skeins of Knit Picks Telemark. I'm planning to knit Tomten jackets for DS's. For colours, I now have orange and two shades of green, I might have to search for brown as well. Nice retro colours for the fall.

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Raparperiä ja mansikkaa puutarha piukassa :) Tai siis poimittavaksi raparperiä ja julmetusti mansikan kukkia. Jospa vaikka tulisi hyvä sato tänä vuonna. Muksut tykkää mansikoista ja niin kyllä tykkään minäkin :) Ja jos tuo halla ei saanutkaan kaikki herukoita. Karhunvedelmiakin näyttäisi olevan tulossa tänä vuonna. Puutarha kutsuu tänä lauantaina. Ja siis tosiaan tuo piha, ei mitään Kanerva-juttua nyt ;)

Tuli hieman ostettua lankaa Ravelryn kautta...
Tiistaina saapui meren takaa 23 kerää Knit Picksin Telemarkkia. Tomten takit olisi tarkoitus neuloa pojille. Nyt olisi siis oranssia ja kahta sävyä vihreää. Jos vielä ruskeaa yrittäisin metsästää. Kivat retrovärit syksylle ;)