maanantaina, syyskuuta 15, 2008

Getting weapons ready....

Okay, I'm sharpening my needles and counting stitches. Dear target, be aware, very aware ;) I'm ready for the Hat Attack! My first time as an assassin. I just received my target so I'm just waiting for the pattern.

I just hope I won't be killed straight away.

DH told me that he needs socks, so after the HA I'll be knitting some socks. Actually kids need warm socks as well so 3 pairs of socks it is.

I need a shrug for work. I have 6 skeins of Teetee primavera, that should be enough for one. I think I'll survive the winter with primavera-shrug and sideways spencer. And if I finally manage to finish the Starsky and the Drops cardi, I should have plenty of warm things for the fall and winter.

keskiviikkona, syyskuuta 03, 2008

Kiireinen syyskuu/busy Sptember

Tämä kuukausi on tosiaan kiireinen. Lasten harrastukset alkavat ja minä palailen koulun penkille avoimen yliopiston merkeissä. Vuoden kurssi. Syksy on ihanaa vuodenaikaa. Voi juoda iltaisin teetä kynttilöiden palaessa, ulkona upeita värejä jne. Tosin sateella olisi ihana pysyä kotona peiton alla...

Voitin Tikrun blogiarvonnassa! Sain postitse ihanan paketin, josta löytyi Pirtin Kehräämön 2 ply harmaata villalankaa, teetä ja ihana avaimenperä. Nappaan kuvan huomenna :)

Aloitin pikaprojektina Sideway Spencerin. Lankana On Linien 39 Summer, mustana.


This month is really hectic. Kids start their hobbies and I go back to school. I start open university course next week and it'll take one year. I just love fall as a season. You can drink tea with candles burning, gorgeous colours outside etc. Though I would like to stay indoors when it rains, under a duvet...

I won in Tikrus blog "lottery"! I received a parcel by mail, there was grey yarn by Pirtin Kehräämö, some tea and really nice keychain. I have to take a picture tomorrow :)

As a quick project I started the Sideway Spencer. I'm using On Linies 39 Summer in black.