lauantaina, toukokuuta 26, 2007

Pikapäivitys/A quick note

Tultiin tänään Tallinnasta, oltiin pikareissulla siellä miehen kanssa. Ihana mies, käveli mun seurassa 2,5 tuntia pitkin kauppoja, ilman narinaa. Lankaa ostin Kaubamajan liikkeestä. Ihanaa merinovilla-silkki-bambua ja sitten ihan perus merinovillaa.

Got back from Tallinn, Estonia. Just a quick break, we left yesterday and got back today. Me and DH spend some quality time together. Bless him, he walked around the shops with me for 2,5 hours and didn't complain at all. I bought some yarn, unbelievable soft merinowool-silk-bambu and some merinowool.

Tallinnassa tajusin, ettei mulla ole teepannua. Jotenka heti, kun muksut olivat pedeissään unessa, surffasin sivuille sitä tilaamaan. Olipa yllätys, kun eteen tuli huomautus, etteivät toimita Suomeen. Häh? Odotanko seuraavaan kaupunkireissuun? Nääh, tilasin ihanan siniraitaisen saksalaisesta amazonista. Haluaisin ruusukuvioisen teepannun, mutta sellaista ei ollut. Tallinnastakin sellaista etsin, ilman tulosta.

I realized something while in Tallinn. I do not have a teapot. So, as soon as the kids were in bed and sleeping and surfed to and tried to order a teapot. I was rather surprised when there was a not that they won't deliver to Finland. What to do? Wait and buy one next time I go to the big city? No, I ordered one from They'll deliver to Finland without questions. I ordered this really nice blue-stripy one. I actually want one with roses, but couldn't find one. I had aquick look in Tallinn but no luck. So this blue-stripy one will do nicely.

I did order a book as well from Germany. I ordered "Lace Style: Traditional to Innovative, 21 Inspired Designs to Knit (Style)".

perjantaina, toukokuuta 25, 2007

Hogwarts Sock Swap/Show and Tell Friday :)

Here is the sock today:

The sock looks a bit funny, I stuffed it with yarn... I really need to make a sock blocker!

The pattern is Horcrux by Susan Pierce Lawrence and the yarn is SandnesGarn sisu (80%wool, 20%polyamid). I really like the pattern, I might knit one pair for myself :)

Hogwarts Sock Swap 2 signups open 14th of July.

maanantaina, toukokuuta 21, 2007


Minua hemmotellaan tosissaan! Katsokaas, mitä sain SN:ltäni. Nameja, jotka tosin ovat jo jonnekin kadonneet...

I've been spoiled! Look what treats my SP send me. Treats have somehow vanished ;)

Tässä on uusin hankintani. Ostin lauantaina minikasvihuoneen. Hyllyt tosin jo täynnä kasveja ja kasvit tuntuvat viihtyvän hyvin.

Here is my new "thing". I bought it on Saturday from a local Garden Center. The "miniature" greenhouse is almost filled with plants and the plants seem to enjoy.

Harry Potter sock swapin sukka. ja silmukkamerkit.

Harry Potter Sock Swap; Ravenclaw sokc and stitch markers.

perjantaina, toukokuuta 18, 2007

Kiireinen viikko/Busy week

Kiireinen viikko. Sp muisti minua toisella paketilla ja millaisia ihanuuksia sieltä paljastuikaan! Ihania! Oli Debbie Blissin Mayaa ohjeen kera, namuja vaikka kuinka, lehti puikkoineen jne. Kuvakin on, mutta kone temppuilee hieman. Pitää käyttää fiksauksessa, kun saan omituisia virhe-ilmoituksia (tietty miehen kone voisi toimia...)

Eilen oli iso päivä meidän perheessä. Kuopus täytti 2 vuotta. Minun vauvani <3 Ensi kuussa on isot juhlat, kun esikoinen viettää 4-vuotissynttäreitään. Varmin tapa saada suurin osa sukulaisista paikan päälle ;) Osa asuu sen verran kaukana, etteivät kahta kertaa kuussa meille eksy. Pääsen taas leipomaan talon täyteen. Tarvitaan nimittäin 4 kakkua, piirakoita, pikkuleipiä jne.

Tällä viikolla on tullut puuhasteltua puutarhassa, käytyä tunnin kävelylenkillä ja fillaroitua tunti auringosta nauttien. Tarkoituksena on saada kohotettua kuntoa tässä kesän aikana :)

Oh, what a week :) My wonderful SP send me the second parcel. Debbie Bliss's Maya, Knitting magazine and treats and lots more! I have the photo but for some odd reason my laptop isn't working properly (I keep receiving these error-notes). So I need to take my laptop to be checked. Then I'll post with photos (I need to check if my DH's laptop is functioning nicely...)

Yesterday was a big day for my younger son. He is two years old now. My baby is a big boy <3 We'll organize the big celebration next month together with first-borns b'day. That's the only way to make sure that all the relatives will turn up ;) Some of the relatives live quite far so they wouldn't drive to our house twice a month. So that's why we have double-celebration. That means 4 cakes, 3 quiches, loads of cookies etc. I'll be baking a lot in few weeks time :D

This week I have spend time in the garden, taking an hour walk and cycling for an hour with my neighbour. Today the sun was shining so the cycling was really nice (even though I tought that I was going to die ;)) The plan is to get fit during the summer :)

maanantaina, toukokuuta 14, 2007

SP10 blog contest

Our hostess Bobbi asked us two quoestions. Here are my answers:

1) What do you pack to knit?
Last summer I was knitting Molly's headbands on our holiday. This summer I'll probably knit something for kids. We're going to a beach-holiday in January, and I'm planning to pack two different pattern (with yarns and needles). A scarf and socks I think.

2) What do you hope to shop for?
Yarn :) But I usually look for needles as well. I hunt for bargains ;)

Now the answers if I would have the change to go somewhere for ten days.
1) Same answer as above.
2) I would go to the US. I would buy too much yarn, pearls and knitting needles :D

maanantaina, toukokuuta 07, 2007

KTS3 info

Knitters Tea Swap 3

Restrictions on type of tea? Only green, black, herbal etc? I tend to drink black tea, but I do like green tea as well (with lemon usually). At work I drink either Earl Grey or Rooibus and at home I drink anything from PG Tips to green tea.

Treat preference? My favourites are ginger/lemon/chocolate cookies/biscuits.

Yarn color preferences? Raspberry, applegreen

Sock knitter? Yes :)

Will you take an international pal? Yes, definitely :)

Any allergies or things you want your pal to know? I have sensitive skin so ichy yarn causes problems.

I'm really excited about this. I only found out about KTS today and I immediately wanted to take part.

sunnuntai, toukokuuta 06, 2007


Vihdoin päivityksen aika/ Finally it's time for an update :)

Lasten slipoveri
Malli: Moda 2/2007
Lanka: Novitan Suvi
Puikot: Addin pyöröt 3½ ja 4
Koko: 110cm
Menekki: 154g

DS's vest
Pattern: Moda-magazine 2/2007
Yarn: Suvi (Novita)

Todistusaineistoa, että orkideani on vieläkin elossa. Valkoinen tykkää kukkia reilusti, pinkki sen sijaan niskoittelee.

Look, my orchid is still alive! The white one likes to bloom but the pink one is not that keen.

Salainen lahja SP:lleni on melkein valmis. Pikkusen hermostuttaa ajatus siitä, että tosiaan lähettäisin sen hänelle. Mitä jos hän tykkääkään siitä? Kääks...

The secret gift for my SP is almost ready. I'm still a bit shy about sending that gift to her. What if she doesn't like it?