Pikkusen yli 400 sivua luettuna. Kirja on todella hyvä, harmittaa jo että on vika.
A bit over 400 pages read already. The book is really good, shame it's the last one of this series.
Setti, jonka kudoin kaverin tyttövauvalle. Novitan perusohjeella tehty myssy ja Käspaikan helppo-ohjeella tehdyt tossut. Pipo on Wetterhoffin langalla ja tossut Novitan Woolia.
A set I knitted for a friends baby.

Our youngest cat takes it easy <3
2 kommenttia:
Oi kun söpö setti vauvalle!
Sain oman Potterini vasta eilen ja nyt odottelen lukuvuoroa...
Hi - it's your spoilee from Secret Pal - just a quick note to say that I still haven't been able to post a pic of your kind present and a full write up (because a pic of your gift is handy) as my camera's still broken - but I haven't forgotten you!
If you want to send me your home address, I'll send you a letter :0) (e-mail: nicola@dottyspots.com)
I've read Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows (read it right away inbetween when my eldest was reading it) - and have been trying to take my elder two to see The Order of the Phoenix at the cinema but my husband's work keeps getting in the way (as I need him around to watch my youngest two).
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