tiistaina, lokakuuta 30, 2007

Hogwarts Sock Swap 2

Look what I got today! Thank you Fleur Rozier! Package was full of goodies, I had to hide the Jelly Bellies from my kids. They love the popcorn flavoured ones as well :) The socks fit perfectly.

I feel utterly spoiled! Thank you!

sunnuntai, lokakuuta 28, 2007

Kurpitsa, Starsky, Josephine ja langat/Pumpkin, Starsky, Josephine and yarns

Kaiversin lapsille kurpitsan eilen. Pelottava! Ensi vuonna pitää muistaa tilata kunnollinen kurpitsan sahaussetti ennen lokakuuta.

I did some carving this weekend :) Scary pumpkin! next year I really need to order the pumpkin carving kit before October.

Ostin tosiaan hieman lankaa perjantaina ja aloitin Starskyn samantien. Nyt on kolmas kerä menossa ja kolme mallikertaa banaanin lehdistä on kudottuna.

I bought some yarn and started the Starsky. I really like the pattern! I started the third skein today.

Kuvatus Josephine-topista. Melkein valmis :) Sen verran tykkään, että saatan jopa laittaa päälleni joku päivä ;)

Here's the Josephine-top. Nearly there :) I might even wear this top someday ;)

Tässä tämän kuun lankaostokset. Patonia ostin
20 kerää 20 eurolla, todella edullinen diili.

Here's the yarn I bought this month. The Patons Washed Haze Aran is for the Starsky and I bought one kilo of the yarn. I paid 20 euros for 20 skeins, not bad.

Kurpitsasta kuva päivänvalossa. Ei hirmuisen pelottava.

Here's the pumpkin in daylight. Not so scary.

sunnuntai, lokakuuta 21, 2007

Kiire,kiire/Busy, busy

Töissä on niin kamala kiire tällä hetkellä, että meinaa ahdistaa hetkittäin.

Josephinea olen kutonut ja nyt alkaa olemaan etukappalekin valmiina. Viimeistelyä ja hihoja vaille siis.

KTS4:n paketti on valmiina, sain tilatut langat postista perjantaina. Olen pahoillani, että edelleen postitus menee huomiselle. En vain ehtinyt viime viikolla postiin ajoissa.

Joululahja miehelle on aloitettu salassa ;)

Haluan paksun neuletakin, heti :)


It's really hectic at work at the moment. I'm slightly stressed...

I've been knitting the Josephine and it's almost done. Yippee!

The KTS4 parcel is ready, I managed to pick up the yarns from the post office on Friday. I'm really sorry, I'll post the parcel tomorrow. I just didn't had the time last week to put it all together.

I've started DH's Christmas-pressie, secretly ;)

I want a warm and big gardi and I want it now :)

tiistaina, lokakuuta 16, 2007

Päivitystä odotellessa/Waiting for an update

Tarkoituksena oli kirjoitella viikonloppuna, migreeni päätti toisin. En muista milloin olisin ollut niin tokkurassa kuin olin sunnuntaina. Eilen oli töissä tuskallista olla, kun silmissä oli sumeaa ja päätä jomotti. Huonot unet ei ole hyväksi.

I was planning to update my blog during weekend, the migrane decided otherwise. I don't remember the last time I was feeling so blurry than last Sunday. Yesterday it was quite horrible at work, I couldn't see properly and head was aching. A good night sleep is very important.

keskiviikkona, lokakuuta 10, 2007


You signed up on August 17, 2007
You are #26329 on the list.
328 people are ahead of you in line.
15501 people are behind you in line.
61% of the list has been invited so far

Wohoo, I think I'll receive my invitation quite soon \o/

Edit. I'm in!!

I've got the flu...again :/
So I've knitted the Josephine today. I want to finish that asap. I'm getting bored with it. That yarn (Novita Bambu) might not be for me. It's splitting all the time and I've heard that it doesn't like getting washed. I'll use rest of that yarn for neck warmers for kids. I might knit one for myself as well.

sunnuntai, lokakuuta 07, 2007

KTS4, Ravelry, Hogwarts sock swap 2

KTS4 starts!

Are you on Ravelry or SwapBot? Screen Name: No (I'm waiting for my Ravelry-invitation :))
Do you have a blog?Yes.
Blog Address:http://vikkelatvarpaat.blogspot.com/
If a knitblogger, how frequently do you post? Be honest!Approx once a week.
Restrictions on type of tea? Only green, black, herbal etc?I usually drink rooibus, earl grey or lemon tea. I recently tried some cactus tea and it was delicious.
Loose or bagged?Bagged.
Treat preference?Chocolate or biscuits with lemon or ginger.
Yarn color preferences?Purple, "wasabi"-green, teal or brown.
Sock knitter?Yes!
Will you take an international pal?Yes :)
Any allergies or things you want your pal to know?I have a sensitive skin, so I prefer soft non-ichy yarns.
Do you collect anything?Yarn, fabric, jewellery things among other things. My DH would that I collect shoes (Adidas Superstars mainly) ;)
What are you knitting right now?Socks, Josephine-top and a cardi
Have you participated in KTS before? What round?KTS3.

My Ravelry status:

You signed up on August 17, 2007
You are #26329 on the list.
1691 people are ahead of you in line.
14038 people are behind you in line.
59% of the list has been invited so far

I've done my bit for the Hogwarts sock swap 2. I took the parcel to the postoffice on Monday. It took me a month to finish the bookmark. I just couldn't decide if the one I crocheted was good enough. I wonder if there's going to be another swap?