perjantaina, huhtikuuta 27, 2007

To knit or not to knit?

Kuopuksen slipoveri alkaa olemaan valmis, jotenka matkaneuletta ei sitten enää ollutkaan. Piti keksiä sitten uusi sopivan pieni neule junamatkoille. Ja kun ajelemme isäni luo huomenna, niin autossa saa kilkutella useamman tunnin yhteensä. Pikkusen oli vaikea päättää, josko aloitan HP sukat vaiko yllärin SP:lleni. Päätin aloitella yllärillä, enempää en taidakaan sanoa. Kun kerran on ylläri :) Jänskättää, kun en tosiaan ole kutonut kenellekään lahjaksi mitään ilman sitä kysymystä "tykkäisitkö tällaisesta?". Toivottavasti nyt menisi nappiin.

The other vest (for my younger son) in almost ready. So I didn't have anything to knit during the train journey from work to home. And tomorrow we are driving to my dad's house. That means 4 hours of knitting time. So I needed something to knit. Should I start with the Harry Potter socks or the surprise for my SP? I started with the surpise... So that's all I can say about it :) I'm really nervous though. I haven't knitted any presents before without asking "would you like this?" first. I really hope she'll like this surprise.

Eilen tuli sitten lankaa Angelyarnista. Pelonsekaisin tuntein odottelin lankoja, kun meni se lemppari vaihtoon. Tuo tummempi versio on aivan ihana ja sopii siihen suunnitelmissa olevaan neuletakkiin loistavasti. Millähän ajalla sen sitten kutoisi? Kesälomaankin on aivan liikaa vielä aikaa.

I received my yarns from Angelyarn yesterday. I like the colour 19(19), the yarn is Cathay (Debbie Bliss). It's perfect! Not too dark at all. I was worried about that. But no need, that yarn is just right for my cardigan. I just need the time to knit. Too many weeks for the summer vacation...

Seuraavalla kerralla kuvapäivitystä, lupaan.

Next will include some pictures, I'll promise.

tiistaina, huhtikuuta 17, 2007


Aika kirjata ylös omia juttuja, että ne joskus löytyy jostakin. Tajusin juuri, että tarvitsen sukkamallin. En siis mallia vaan sellaisen puisen tmv sukanmallisen systeemin. Ison meren takaisissa blogeissa niitä näkyy ja vaikuttavat todella näppäriltä. Sellaiseen, jos täällä pohjoisessa joskus törmään niin ostan heti.

Kaavoista haluan ostaa itselleni sukkaohjeen. Joko Millicent taikka German Stocking. Paikkana siis Cookie A

Lisäksi haluan ostaa bambuiset pyöröt. Tavikset alkaa olemaan aikalailla painavat, kun suunnitelmissa on aloitella omaa neuletakkia. Ranteiden kanssa on ollut ongelmia, eli pitää ottaa iisisti. Tosin jos minulta kysyttäisi, niin kutominen pitää ranteet kunnossa...

Time to write down some notes for myself. Don't have to remember them after this ;)
I just realized that I need a sock blocker. I haven't seen them in Finnish craft-shops, but if I see one, I'll buy it immediately. I need one :)

I want to buy a sock pattern as well. Either Millicent or German Stocking, from Cookie A.

I'll need to buy a bamboo circular needles. I'd like to try them out. Now that I'm about to start knitting cardigan for myself, the normal circ.needles are quite heavy after a while. I have had problems with my wrists, so I have to be careful. To be honest, I think that knitting keeps my wrists in good condition.

************** ***************** *****************

Sainpas idean. Pieni kilpailu tähän väliin. Tarvitsisin ohjeen huiville, shaalille tmv. Lankana 180g Patagonia Nature Cotton.
100% puuvilla
100 m / 100g
tiheys 13 s / 10 cm
Puikot 5 - 6 mm
Jos näillä spekseillä tiedät ohjeen, niin laita se minulle. Palkitsen parhaan ohjevinkin :)

I've got an idea. It's time for a competition :) I need a pattern for a scarf/shawl etc. I have 180 grams of Patagonia Nature Cotton-yarn.
100% cotton
100 m / 100gr
13 sts / 10 cm
Needles 5 - 6 mm
If you know a pattern with those specs, please let me know. There's a reward for the best idea.

Tunnisteet: ,

maanantaina, huhtikuuta 16, 2007


First contact with knitting was when my mom was pregnant with my little sister. I was 4 years old. She was knitting my dolls hats and jumpers. She was using a quite thin cotton yarn. The next contact was in school when in crafts lessons out teacher showed us how to knit. I think the other kids knitted leg warmers but I desided to knit this funky creature (don't ask me why :)).

The first attempt to knit socks was a few years later (we learned to crochet between the creature and the socks). My first pair of socks were... umm, how shall I put it... deformed. The other one was huge and the other one tiny :D After the socks I knitted a small vest for my little brother. I only knitted socks for till I moved back to Finland in '98. Then I knitted a jumper for myself (the yarn was too ichy and I sold it). When I was pregnent with my son, I started knitting things for the baby. Cardigan and socks.

The knitting really started then. Mittens, bootees, blanket, hats, jumpers, scarfs etc. Now I'm hooked on knitting :)

sunnuntai, huhtikuuta 15, 2007

Suomeksi? In Finnish?

Outoa! Bloggeri on vaihtunut suomenkieliseksi. Mielestäni enkuksi oli parempi ja nyt en löydä mitään mistään. Pitänee kokeilla vaihtaa kieli takaisin.

So weird! The Blogger has changed the language to Finnish. I preferred the English version. I'll have to try to change the language back. I can't find anything now.

Näin 5-viikkoisen veljenpoikanikin tänä viikonloppuna. Ihuna pikkuinen <3>I saw my nephew this weekend. He is 5 weeks old. He is lovely <3>

I wen't a bit mad on Friday. Actually on Thursday. I ordered the Rogue pattern on Thursday and because I didn't have any suitable yarn for Rogue... I needed to order some. I desided to order some basic (cheap-ish) yarn for the first one (I've noticed that many will knit more than one Rogue).
I blame the Angelyarn for that madness ;) My favourite colored yarn was discontinued and they couldn't send me my order. I wanted 8 balls of Debbie Bliss Cathay in the color 10(10) (dark pink). The Angelyarn person kindly asked if I'd like to choose another yarn. So I chose a purple Cathay. But I was so sad about the pink Cathay that I needed to cheer myself up. Will anyone buy this explanation? No? :) :) :) :) My DH didn't... He gave me "the look". You know the one, "I love you but I do not always understand you"-look.

keskiviikkona, huhtikuuta 11, 2007

SP10 :)

Yesterday when I got home from work, there was a huge amount of mail waiting for me. This box was barely fitted in the mailbox among the magazine, a thin parcel and letters. Tha car was loaded with groceries so we needed to unpack before I could open my parcels.

The bigger parcel was from my SP10 :) A really nice surprise! I did take a picture of the contents, but I left the camera at home. There was 260grams of silk-yarn (pink and purple shades), Cadbury's eggs, a candle, a soap, orchid-cards and card for my SP. Thank you SP!

In the thin parcel were 2 skeins of this yarn:

I ordered the yarn from here

tiistaina, huhtikuuta 10, 2007

Hogwarts Sock Swap Questionnaire

1.What Hogwarts house have you been sorted into?

2.Shoe size?
European size 5(38), US size: 7½

3.Foot Length?
9,1 inches

4.Foot Circumference?
9 inches

5.List your three favorite double-point needle brands, including size and length.
a. Prym Bamboo: 2½ mm, 20cm/8”
b. Novita aluminium: 3 mm, 20cm/8” (Finnish brand, very basic douple-pointed needles
c. INOX aluminium: 3½ mm, 20cm/8”

6.Would you like to try a new brand needle? If so, which brand? Size? Length?
I have only used 3-4 different types of needles (aluminium mainly), so yes I would love to try a new brand needles. I mainly use the 20 cm/8" ones. I like surprises ;)

7.If you are a RAVENCLAW, do you prefer the colors in the film or the book? Do you have a strong preference?

8.Are you willing to have an international Hogwarts Sock Pal?
Yes :)

maanantaina, huhtikuuta 09, 2007

Tehty :) I did it :)

Mietin tovin, josko otan osaa... Otin! Harry Potter-fanina en voinut jättää tällaista tilaisuutta väliin.

I had to think few minutes if I should take part. As a Harry Potter fan I couldn't let this opportunity to slip. Keeps me busy while waiting for the next book (and the film) :)
I'm already thinking of the pattern for the socks. Should I make up the pattern or shall I use a ready one? I hope the yarn-shop mails yarns to Finland. Otherwise I need to ask my friend a huge favour.

The Hogwarts Sock Swap

Olen kuulemma/ The test say I'm a Gryffindor

lauantaina, huhtikuuta 07, 2007


Perupipa ja lapaset. Toinen pipo on tulossa, samalla mallilla. Lapaset ovat Lanettia ja pipa 7V:stä.

Basic hat and mittens for the kids. I should get the second hat finished tomorrow. I used Lanett-yarn for mittens and Finnish wool+PA yarn for the hats (yarn is called seven brothers).

Feather and Fan Scarf
Lankana ihanan pehmeää silkki-alpakkaa.

The yarn was silk-alpaca. Very nice and soft!

Nalle Puh lupautui esittelemään ;) Tässä ihan perus huivi Hawaii-langasta, pitkillä silmukoilla.

Winnie the Pooh kindly was willing to work as a model ;) Here is the basic scarf with long stitches.

Nopsasti kasvavat kasvini. Maanantaina istutin ja chilejä lukuunottamatta ovat jo näkyvissä.

My plant nursery. I planted the seeds on Monday and already they are growing. The chilies aren't yet, but they'll take more time than the others.

Lisää kasveja :)

Another picture of my plant nursery.

I send my SP the first parcel this week. I hope she'll like it. And I forgot to take a picture of the parcel... Maybe she will take one :)